they seem to be made of rubber or polyeurathane and they limit how far the wheels will turn. yall think theres downsides to removing them?
they seem to be made of rubber or polyeurathane and they limit how far the wheels will turn. yall think theres downsides to removing them?
Well I already don’t have any respect for this guy.
Potential problems. Those exist to cushion the impact of going full lock and also prevent the drive gear from running to the end of the rack and damaging the teeth or destroying the shaft seals. It’s probably “ok” but it can cause damage over time.
Not all cars have them either. On all my Japanese cars those bumpers and stops are built inside the rack and can’t be removed.
i see. with that in mind, ill see if i can move them rather than completely removing them. maybe i can push them a bit further along or something. if i do, ill be sure to get under the car and listen for any noises under full lock. ty :)
Well, you won’t be able to move them, it looks like they simply go in between the end lip of the steering rack rod and the body of the rack, and get compressed when at lock, so they’re always at the very end.
You’ll likely get away with cutting them but don’t be surprised if you end up replacing your steering rack.