The United States federal government allocates a staggering $38 billion annually to prop up the meat and dairy industries. These subsidies significantly reduce the price of meat products, including hamburgers. Research from 2015 reveals that these subsidies slash the price of a pound of hamburger meat from $30 to the $5 we see today

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    The True Cost of a Hamburger: Unveiling Hidden Subsidies

    Hamburgers, those quintessential fast-food delights, have become a staple in many diets around the world. But what if I told you that the price you pay for that juicy patty doesn’t reflect its true cost? Buckle up as we explore why a pound of hamburger meat could cost a whopping $30 without taxpayer subsidies. The Subsidization Game

    The United States federal government allocates a staggering $38 billion annually to prop up the meat and dairy industries. These subsidies significantly reduce the price of meat products, including hamburgers. Research from 2015 reveals that these subsidies slash the price of a pound of hamburger meat from $30 to the $5 we see today

    However, here’s the catch: subsidies merely lower the market price of meat. They don’t account for the total cost of meat production. Instead, they shift part of these costs onto non-meat consumers. In a truly free market, consumers should bear the full costs of production. But with subsidized meat, those who neither consume meat nor benefit from its production end up footing part of the bill. Environmental Impact

    Beyond economics, let’s consider the environmental toll. Industrialized agriculture, including meat production, plays a significant role in climate change and resource depletion. Here’s how:

    Greenhouse Gas Emissions: Agricultural land use contributes to 13% of man-made greenhouse gas emissions. Half of these emissions stem from livestock production. Going vegan would significantly reduce this impact
    Amazon Rainforest Destruction: Meat subsidies inadvertently incentivize the destruction of the Amazon rainforest. Brazil, a major beef producer, received substantial government investments in the beef industry. Unfortunately, this led to illegal rainforest burning to make room for cattle ranching, endangering thousands of species

    Why Beans are the Best Protein in the World:

    Beans, those humble legumes, hold a secret superpower: they’re super sustainable! Let’s dive into why beans are the unsung heroes of the protein world:

    Climate Champion:

    Meat production contributes to 15% of global greenhouse gas emissions. In contrast, beans emit 90% less harmful greenhouse gases per 100 grams of protein compared to beef.
    Beans even benefit the environment by converting atmospheric nitrogen into usable soil nutrients. They’re like tiny nitrogen-fixing wizards!

    Land Saver:

    Livestock grazing consumes a whopping 26% of the world’s terrestrial surface. Cattle require 20 times more land per unit of protein than beans.
    Imagine if we swapped beef for beans: over 40% of US cropland would be freed up! That’s a green revolution waiting to happen.

    Soil Health:

    Even after harvest, beans leave some nitrogen in the soil. This boosts soil quality and reduces the need for excess fertilizers.
    Rotating beans with other crops enhances future yields and keeps diseases at bay. It’s like a natural soil spa day.

    Water Warrior:

    Producing a kilogram of beef guzzles 43 times more water than beans. Bean cultivation requires fewer fertilizers, preserving water quality.
    Beans sip water like eco-conscious tea drinkers.

    Biodiversity Booster:

    Beans promote biodiversity by fixing nitrogen in the ground. They’re like the life coaches of ecosystems.
    Plus, they’re a crucial component of natural functioning ecosystems.

    Why Going Vegan Is Best

    Now, let’s shift gears and explore why embracing a vegan lifestyle is not only better for the planet but also for our health:

    Heart Health: Research involving 48,000 people over 18 years found that vegans and vegetarians have a lower risk of heart disease compared to meat-eaters. However, they do face a slightly higher risk of stroke due to potential vitamin B12 deficiency. But fear not — nutritional yeast or fortified foods can easily provide this essential vitamin
    Reduced Environmental Footprint: Going vegan significantly shrinks our environmental impact. It conserves water, reduces deforestation, and minimizes greenhouse gas emissions. It’s like a green superhero cape for your plate!
    Healthier Diet: A well-planned vegan diet is rich in fiber, vitamins, and minerals. It allows room for health-promoting options like whole grains, fruits, nuts, seeds, and vegetables. Plus, it’s kinder to animals and supports biodiversity.

    So, next time you sink your teeth into a burger, remember that its true cost extends beyond the price tag. And perhaps consider swapping that beef patty for a plant-based alternative — it’s not just good for your health but also for the planet.

    They wrote this seemingly on the back of 2015 subsidy research that they link to but instead it’s a different article by the BBC that has no information about these subsidies. So it’s not clear what the article is predicated on. Though some good points are made, I like to see more of the data presented in articles like this.