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The original was posted on /r/AmItheAsshole by /u/Sensitive_Yam_6399 on 2023-07-08 08:49:11+00:00.

I (31f) am currently pregnant with my first child, a girl. I’ve had a name in mind for if I ever had a daughter since I was a teenager, for the sake of this post let’s say it’s Lily. It’s a name that means a lot to me because it belonged to my favourite character in a childhood book that my grandma would read me.

A friend of mine “Sarah” (30f) had a bully at school who was called Lily. I’ve known this for a while because during a casual discussion about baby names five or six years ago, I mentioned that I loved the name Lily and she said she didn’t like it because someone at school with that name had picked on her.

A few days ago we went out for brunch and I told her the name we were planning on giving our daughter and she got extremely quiet, essentially finished the meal in silence and left the restaurant. At the time I didn’t understand what was wrong until she messaged me later asking why I would name my child after one of her bullies.

Now I’m wondering if I’m the wrong for doing this? It’s a name I’ve always loved and it obviously has nothing to do with her bully.