There is a style option and the background can be styled, but it seems to be styling a div ‘behind’ the gallery which is only visible in weird flashes when scrolling. try style = background-color:rgb(0,255,0); in a gallery to see what i’m talking about. Would love to make the background of beautiful people black to match the rest of it.

  • allo@lemmy.worldOP
    6 months ago

    editeditedit: OK SOLVED. that fixed it on the T2Is because the T2Is do the equivalent of this: = window.matchMedia && window.matchMedia('(prefers-color-scheme: dark)').matches ? "dark" : "light"; my computer is forcibly in light mode because it is an ancient win7 i believe and my phone is in dark mode because i prefer dark mode. so i tried setting colorScheme to light and it would no longer have the opacity style go thru on the phone and big white box would happen. then id set it to dark and it would work fine on phone but big white box on computer. solved, from looking thru t2i, with the above code, which aligns the system colorScheme and the document element colorScheme. with them aligned, that seems to appease the iframe, which then allows the background to be something beside big white box. the above line in the html anywhere allows the background style to go thru independent of dark/light mode setting on phone and computer with your new addition which allows it to work on t2i. seen on bottom of html of beautiful-people which correctly has the background transparent on both phone and computer light and dark with text-to-image like t2i now does,