Something that bothers me is that males are overwhelmingly perpetrators of rape but there is little discussion (at least from my perspective) as the root cause as to why men do such horrible acts.

    6 months ago

    Probably socialization. I remember that in high school I slightly touched a girl’s butt in a club just because it was so normalized among my male peers. They said something to the effect of “girls go to clubs so that they can be groped” which I think that I recognized even then as false. So I can see how “just make her drunk bro, it just works” or worse would be normalised advice among some circles.

    In general I fucking hate the patriarchical brainrot and want to expunge it badly from my brain. Things like expecting women to be pretty trophies all the time, getting thoughts that they are less intelligent than me just because they are women etc are somewhat ingrained to me in the same manner some residual racism or religiosity is. Fuck society for doing this to us