Cultural Marxism - now known as wokeness - is a favorite scapegoat of the far right as it is much easier to blame one group of people for something as opposed to analyzing why it is wrong to begin with. Why provide actual solutions when you can just enact TND on whatever group you hate the most? And even if said group gets wiped off the earth, they will only find new people to scapegoat until they can no longer find someone to hate but themselves.

As Yoda once said “Fear leads to anger, anger to hate and hate to suffering”, Cultural Marxism and other forms of reactionary belief all stem from fear uncertainty and doubt. The anti woke mob is so blinded by their fear driven hatred they can’t even see who their enemy is or what the solution is.

This is why Gamergate failed to achieve any meaningful progress as any time that could’ve been used to fight corporate corruption in gaming and discuss ethics in game journalism - the SUPPOSED aims of Gamergate - was wasted on reactionary grifting, spreading hate and harassment campaigns on innocent people.

Author’s note:

i was originally supposed to put this in Capitalism in Decay but it was locked for mods only after the spamming incident so I decided to put it here.

    6 months ago

    I disagree.

    Cultural marxism comes from Breitbart (although it’s older, Breitbart made it popular for this following reason)
    in order to blame a combo of two easy target groups for the US far-right. Jews and Europeans (this way they avoid targeting their own country or Israel) for what I would call the paleo-transfeminist movement.

    This is the timelime I’m giving of the movement:

    First wave feminism + Cultural Marxism -> (TERF) Second wave Feminism -> (Paleo) transfeminism aka woke culture (-> meso transfeminism -> neo transfeminism)

    Now Breitbart and others US far-rightwingers thinks this means that cultural marxists, jewish scholars are therefore controlling feminism as apparently to them it’s impossible for women to be in power. There has to be guys behind them that are really pulling the strings and of course it has to be the Jews as they came before the second wave feminists.

    My own theory on this, after having read a litle about cultural marxists on wikipedia and it’s sources is that just like woke culture is not being controlled by second wave feminists, but by a group of transsexuals, so did the German jews to second wave feminists. The german jews were either forgotten or they moved to California where instead of taking over the feminist movement, they were taken in by the Californian second wave feminist movement.
    The new movement consisting of different people with different mindsets simply usurped the old movement as they got into power.
    And they took what they liked about the old movement, so you can still see some vestiges of what came before.

      6 months ago

      My own theory on this, after having read a litle about cultural marxists on wikipedia and it’s sources is that just like woke culture is not being controlled by second wave feminists, but by a group of transsexuals, so did the German jews to second wave feminists. The german jews were either forgotten or they moved to California where instead of taking over the feminist movement, they were taken in by the Californian second wave feminist movement.

      Please turn off your computer and never turn it back on.

      6 months ago

      You are citing Breitbart which he himself effectively cited Hitler, but you don’t care.

      Trans people have always been a thing. There have been multiple non bianary genders in various other cultures before western colonization. Europeans were not aware of this because they were too concerned. Even if you think all of this is made up, look up the persecution of trans people in Nazi germany. Trans people are not just a recent phenomena.

      The only thing that they want is to be treated with decency and respect, which is clear that you have no intention to do so. Why at all do you deserve respect in return, I have no idea. Go take a walk.

    6 months ago

    sometimes I think about using that phrase to describe myself lol. We gotta make the culture marxist fam, the circuses aren’t circusing and the bread is too expensive.