This doesn’t even solve let alone address clip size, handguns, crime overall, poverty, or climate change on top of assault weapons so what’s the point of anything? /s
Well this is stupid. Three-quarters of homicides are done with handguns. That’s not even counting suicides, which cause even more deaths than murders do. If they wanted to reduce gun violence, they’d ban handguns. I get that people are scared, but this will not fix the problem.
The “assault style” weapons part of the law won’t really do much, but the magazine size part does. In other states with similar magazine size regulations, there have been quantifiable reductions in gun deaths.
Well that’s good to hear, they should have just done that then. Just googled it, looks like 60% reductions for mass shootings. That’s good, but I don’t know that it will move the meter much overall when so few deaths are from mass shootings in the first place.
Gun crime is solved! Totally not going to see any gang shootings or guns with “polished” serials for sale.
Most of the illegal guns in Chicago were purchased in Indiana. This is like having a “no pissing” section in a public pool
So what’s it going to take to get a similar ban nation-wide?
Never gonna happen. And with all these armed fascists running around it shouldn’t until they don’t exist anymore and even then I’m skeptical.
My question was meant literally. I’m not asking what guns laws should be, nor how likely any new legislation is. I’m asking for a thought-out answer on what it would take nationally for a similar ban.
For this conversation to be had nationally I think a minimum of 3/4 of the population will have to have long term faith in the Government to be fair and just. Then theyd also have to have complete faith that enemies foreign and domestic (think criminals, terrorists, violent nations) won’t use these weapons against them. That’s what I think at least, but idk I’m just a dude.