An #OpenStreetMap :osm: contributor wrote 📝: “AlayData @ Intramuros, celebrating Open Data Day in Manila”

💬 “Yesterday morning, our OSM community in Metro Manila, conducted an AlayData event for the quarter. We gathered to celebrate Open Data Day, focusing on open geopsatial data from OpenStreetMap, and give …”

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  • 거윈 🍉
    11 months ago

    Hello @jikodesu. I’m one of the organizers of the event. 👋🏽

    This happened last Sunday, and most of the participants are from the local @openstreetmap communities, but we did have some new folks without @osm experience, too.

    We’re planning to go back to Intramuros again, but we haven’t nailed down the details just yet.

    If you wish to receive an email, to notify you of the next one, do send me a DM , and @OSM_diaries_bot