
It is an intense math test and i am thinking about writing formulas in paper bits and hiding it in the shoe sole and pockets as there is no body search .

I have no time to study and i am sleep starved.

If i am caught cheating i will be banned from writing it again for 4 years and will be stuck in a state i hate as it is hell (because if i pass this i am kinda set for life and if i don’t fucked).

Am i fucked ?

EDIT : Why are you down voting ? The sub is for asking questions and i desperatly need answers if you can’t answer just kindly move the fuck on .

EDIT : For clarity i don’t need maths for the job except for the test as a standard thing (and i am weak at maths) and the finals won’t have maths .

Edit : I can’t tell you the context as it is personnel but i am severly fucked if i don’t pass like blowing my head of is a better alternative fucked. Now that i think about it i really do have to do that, well had a good (fucked) up run.

  • PM_ME_VINTAGE_30S [he/him]
    6 months ago

    If i am caught cheating i will be banned from writing it again for 4 years and will be stuck in a state i hate as it is hell

    How long will it be until you can take it again if you just do poorly today? IMO unless it’s longer than 4 years, take the L today and study up for the next one. It’s too risky. Today might be the day they decide to do a body search. Even then, while you’re in the test, they’ll probably hear and/or see you ruffling your paper.

    Otherwise, best thing I can give you is to start committing formulas you think you’ll need to memory, then at the beginning of the test dump them anywhere you are allowed to write them, so you can focus on problem solving and symbol pushing.

    if i pass this i am kinda set for life and if i don’t fucked

    If you have to take the test one extra time, you should be fine in the long run. It might very well be painful/embarrassing/costly for the next six months, but once you get your score when you’re better prepared, you’ll be fine.

    Good luck with your exam.