I used trocador (thank god, insurance) to set up a USDC > XMR exchange 7 HOURS AGO and still dont have my Monero. I understand the binance withdrawals are closed and that the partner trocador set me up with was apparently using binance for their liquidity. I did another USDC > XMR exchange a few minutes ago with LocalMonero and it is already done and the Monero is in my wallet. This is not the first time I have had an “instant” exchange fail to process. When they work, they are faster than doing trades via LocalMonero, but when they fail, you get crap like this.
Hey friend, sorry for your issue. Today was a crazy day, many people desperate, panic selling. Amazingly, only 40% were panic selling, and around 60% were actually buying Monero. In any case, the turmoil was enough that many users experienced delays. In case your issue is still not solved, please contact us on Telegram (TrocadorSupportBot) or on our matrix channel (https://matrix.to/#/#Trocador.app:matrix.org) and our support team will help you out.
I am one of the buyers. I am trying to give the exchange a chance to refund me, but if that does not work, I will contact you guys.
Have things calmed down a bit ?
I don’t want to miss this 30% off sale !!
What is your estimated turn-around time for February 7th ?
I withdrew XMR from Kraken, in quiet times, that took over 12 hours
tortoise, meet hare
Lol, right