• MMR Nmd@todon.eu
    8 months ago

    @faab64@venera.social I know : Macron, French president, said it 3 months ago…before radically changing his mind, without even apologizing.

    These people don’t even know wich “argument” (sob) to use.

    Isis, Daesh…soon, they gonna say Palestinian worship goats and eat children alive.

    Oh, no, wait : that’s what Christians used to say about…yes, about Jewish during the middle-age.
    (The legend of Saint Niklaas was that the “saint” brought back to life 3 kids that were killed by a mean Jewish butcher who was ready to put them into salt to eat them later)

    These zionist scum really are back 500 years ago.
    See how the circle goes, now, the Palestinians are the evildoers.

    This is sooooo pathetic.
    Worth laughing if 30.000++ people hadn’t died.
    (Soon they gonna say it was a hoax and nobody died)

    @lukevanin@noc.social @palestine@a.gup.pe

    • Luke Van In@noc.social
      8 months ago

      @MMRnmd@todon.eu The only difference between Hamas and ISIS is the size and location of the caliphate that they want.

      Beyond that the nuances of why they slaughter people, or their petty grievances with each other, is less relevant than they would have us believe.

      The rest of your post is the ravings of a deranged mind, trying to beat yourself into a rabid frenzy.

      Somehow you find it ok to say “Zionist scum”, but heaven forbid anyone say the same of Palestinians. Hypocrites.

      @faab64@venera.social @palestine@a.gup.pe