Now you know how conservatives felt when Big Tech fucked us over in 2020 and banned us all. Thoughts? Shall we momentarily share a group hug

  • Lovstuhagen@exploding-heads.comM
    1 year ago

    And fyi, trans women are biologically able to breastfeed their children. There is medication for biological women and trans women that makes it possible for them to produce milk without being pregnant.

    Well, isn’t this a monstrosity, lol.

    If a heterosexual man was taking pills to lactate and feed his kids, I would want to wash my eyes with soap…

    For very similar reasons this unnatural practice is repugnant.

    But those kind of posts aren’t constructive discussions about the topic, their only purpose seems to be to paint “trannies” as pedos and child abusers by implying that the only possible reasons for a trans woman to feed her child is sexual pleasure, which if true would obviously be bad…

    Yeah, I mean, I know that you respect transpeople and are supportive of their lifestyle. I do not want to illegalize or actively pursue some sort of conflict with them, but I also want to state my opinions about it frankly.

    I am sure that there are people on the Left who LOL and upvote at memes that have violent fates for “Nazis” and many were likely chortling with glee at the fire memes about the dead billionaires in the sub…

    But isn’t it sealioning if I then go to your instances and say that you are all violent revolutionaries with homicidal fantasies?