While I disagree with CocktailPlasma in his anti-EU rhetoric, I wanted to note that cookies can be / are used for basic functionality on a website.
To keep you logged in is often done with a session cookie, for example. There are different ways, but mostly some kind of data piece needs to be set on the browser side.
The commonly seen method of using a checkbox and a simple information note such as “remember me (uses cookies)” next to the submit form would be an appropriate means of gaining consent
While I disagree with CocktailPlasma in his anti-EU rhetoric, I wanted to note that cookies can be / are used for basic functionality on a website.
To keep you logged in is often done with a session cookie, for example. There are different ways, but mostly some kind of data piece needs to be set on the browser side.
“Remember me” functionality doesn’t require a cookie banner: