Last I’ve heard, there were some issues, but things were getting better. Now I have stumbled upon this headline and wish to know more details about the situation.

    • SpookyGenderCommunist [they/them, she/her]
      9 months ago

      LGBT itself is a concept created by western capitalists to divide the working people, and now it has become an excuse to invade third world countries.What the proletariat wants is sexual liberation and equal rights.

      Suck my girl dick. This is social chauvinism dressed in Marxist garb.

      Yes, queer idpol is used to justify global south subjugation by the imperial core. That phenomenon does not make queerness as such, “A concept created by western capitalists to divide the working people”.

      The western queer movement sprang from largely colonized and lumpen elements within the periphery of the working class.

      Simply put, you have it backwards. Queerness was not imposed by capital on the global south.

      The western gender system, and expectations of heterosexuality were violently imposed on the people of the global south. A global south which is full of a vast array of different kinds of sexual expression, and third gender traditions.

      I don’t care about your social activities in the west at all, just remember.Your rich life comes from the blood and sweat of the global South.

      Yeah, sorry, the people of the global south were sucking dick and transing their genders long before the Euros showed up.

      The entire reason pinkwashed imperialism is bullshit, isn’t because queerness is some decadent western imposition. It’s because while the US imperial death machine tries to use the aesthetics of queer acceptance to justify the decimation of Gaza.

      It ignores the Israeli State’s rampant homophobia, and the fact that queer Palestinians who live in Gaza (as they have for its entire history) are just as much at risk of extermination as anyone else.

      Now, go read Leslie Feinberg and do some self crit

      9 months ago

      LGBT as a word became known after the Stonewall riots (follow the reference for the story), where police came to crack down on a known gay/trans bar and it ended up with the clients barricading themselves inside the bar and throwing bricks at cops.

      LGBT identities have always existed whether they had a name or not. They didn’t suddenly pop up in the 1990s.

      You’re actually playing into the western bourgeoisie’s hand when you say that they created it and are trying to force it upon other cultures because it keeps you fighting your fellow proletariat. In many places non-binary gender identities (non-male and non-female) were commonly accepted until Christian missionaries came over. Uganda, which has recently destroyed all protections for gay people and made it a severe crime, did so because US missionaries funded by the FOX company (of FOX News) ran TV channels in the country that promoted anti-gay propaganda.

      Yes, the CIA ran an ad with a “queer woman of color” proud of serving in the CIA. Yes, the US military likes to write biographies of their LGBT soldiers and officers. Yes, non-acceptance of LGBT rights is now used to separate the “us vs them” in geopolitics.

      It doesn’t invalidate the identity as a whole though. This is a shortcut of lumping everyone into the same basket.

      The bourgeoisie is the one who decides to make the CIA and US Army ads featuring gay people and promoting how inclusive their imperialist murder machine is – everyone can become a murderer!

      Man, it even helps them! I can picture Biden chuckling gleefully every time he sees one of those ads, because he knows it’s going to make gay rights look even more unappealing in the countries they’re invading. And don’t think he gives a fuck about gay rights because he voted to enshrine that marriage is between a man and a woman in 1996.

      Don’t look at the opportunists for guidance. If you can do that for Marxists you can do that for LGBT identities. This shift in how LGBT identities are perceived serves two purposes for the bourgeoisie: 1, it makes them unappealing in the countries I mentioned. 2, it makes liberals cheer even harder for invasion.

      But LGBT people exist and will exist regardless of what their country does. I’m a worker and I exist whether my country is imperialist or not (and it is). Their rights are important to them: the first thing people ask me when I talk about marxism is about LGBT rights in AES countries. It’s important in the same way the economy is important or labor rights are important to people. We don’t get to decide what’s important to the proletariat, they’ll tell us.

      I won’t fault a prole for being homophobic if that’s all they know and have learned. I know I’m not going to change their minds by being combative or in one essay. It takes time and listening. But as communists we must hold ourselves to a higher standard.

        9 months ago

        Thanks for such a calm and non-combative answer. I do understand why people can get combative, but that sort of thing usually doesn’t help change people’s minds.

    • Dirt_Owl [comrade/them, they/them]
      9 months ago

      This comment is particularly hilariously wrong when you remember how much capitalist countries (including western ones!) tried to squash LGBT people (and still tries to, see the US states outlawing trans people)

      Ffs it was a crime to be gay in most capitalist countries until the 2000s, and in most places even something like marriage still isn’t legal

      9 months ago

      Not exclusively bad though . It is just every country is not in pace with 1960s sexual liberation movement of US and the West.

      • Munrock ☭
        9 months ago

        The irony is that many places were well ahead of The West in that regard until the colonizers came and forced their binary norm onto them.

          9 months ago

          Well I don’t about your country but India was pretty much backwards in terms of any rights of women and the oppressed castes. It was the British who employed the lower castes and gave them some dignity. That’s all. Hijras in india were always frowned upon and were ostracized by the mainstream society for years. They are not mentioned in vedas and hindu texts (although gods can be trans or can have both feminine and masculine genders).

          • Munrock ☭
            9 months ago

            Go further East and things change considerably.

            A good case study is Thailand. They managed to avoid being outright colonized, and their approach to gender is so far ahead of their SEA neighbours (Vietnam, Cambodia, Laos, Indonesia, Philippines) where historically they were very similar.

              • Munrock ☭
                9 months ago

                It’s not exclusively from Buddhism. Buddhism wasn’t prevalent in the Philippines, but the indigenous animist religions had gods and legends that Western culture would call trans. The spiritual leaders, the babaylans, were exclusively women and the few men that felt a calling to that role switched gender expressions.

          • KiG
            9 months ago

            Queerness in Russia was apparently quite normal before Christian missionaries began westernizing them

        9 months ago

        Every culture deals with these issues in their own way. We should not expect that sexual and gender liberation will look the same in all parts of the world. In some instances the main reason why this liberation is now needed is because of patriarchal norms imposed by European colonizers. In order to liberate themselves they do not need to emulate the West’s historical path but rather to go through a process of cultural decolonization drawing upon the progressive elements in their own traditions.

        And keep in mind, not all aspects of the 1960s sexual liberation in the West were good…the normalization of pornography for instance happened during that time. There were quite a few aspects of the 1960s counterculture movement that were less than desirable from a Marxist viewpoint. Some of the more harmful ones like excessive drug use were deliberately pushed and encouraged by Cointelpro in order to subvert revolutionary groups and divert the energies of the youth into avenues that are non-threatening to the bourgeois state.

        The CIA was also behind quite a few of the more popular “radical” media (magazines, etc.), artists and intellectuals of the time.

          9 months ago

          Well it’s better you have liberation one way or the other. Instead of that we have rapes and sexual harassment of women and underage age due to frustrated males and lack of sexual education and free dating culture. What we have is a rigid caste based system and marriage, most people lose their virginity by marriage.