I like how they went through the trouble of blurring out the name but left out the reply.
Haha right? Solid C+ for effort
♥️ 173
I am choosing to believe that a large portion of that 173 are people who are using the heart as a “bookmark” to save later and show people how ridiculous that is.
Did twitter get rid of the bookmark feature? I used to use that all the time
Rule number one of the Musk era of twitter: if it’s useful, it’s probably going to break or be removed.
Seriously though imagine learning that it really is just you! This whole time. Lol
I cannot tell if this is satire or not.
Sadly I can tell you from personal experience with hetero men (and what I know from friends about theirs) - it is not.
(not all bla bla, and it wasn’t actually all, but this shit is definitely more likely to happen than not)
At least he’s meeting women 🤓
Poor dude.
Poor that dude’s sexual partners, more like. With a lack of awareness and caring about the pleasure of them THIS profound, he deserves no sympathy IMO 🤷