I mean, barring the whole, “Secret Police”, “Microphones in the walls”, and “No Freedom to even leave the country” thing, Latveria under Dr. Doom does have no poverty or famine, and apparently universal healthcare so maybe a masked leader isn’t so bad…
thats what i look for in a government, ‘surprise’ . 0_0
I mean, barring the whole, “Secret Police”, “Microphones in the walls”, and “No Freedom to even leave the country” thing, Latveria under Dr. Doom does have no poverty or famine, and apparently universal healthcare so maybe a masked leader isn’t so bad…
Oh and there is only one holiday: DOOMSDAY, and it is celebrated whenever Dr. Doom declares it.
Luckily he declares it at least once a month.
No poverty, famine and universal health care but secret police, microphone in the walls and no freedom to leave the country is a deal I’d never take.