Hello, comrades!

I have created this community in no small part because I have been focusing hard on deconstructing negative behaviors and habits socialized into me from birth. I have been focusing on personal, professional and revolutionary growth.

Importantly, I’ve been reading bell hooks’ The Will to Change: Men, Masculinity and Love. It’s honestly brought me to tears more than a few times, and I’m only as of writing 60% of the way through it. I have not felt seen like this in what feels like a long time. Socialized and internalized patriarchal standards of living are actively destroying our potential as men to live, love, and achieve true self-actualization.

I highly recommend it to any man seeking to dismantle their internalized patriarchy. I also highly recommend it to feminist women and other non-men who innately fear us (rightly, much of the time), as hooks is intimately familiar with both the fear of males and male fear.

It is obvious that this manufactured fear cannot sustain life and love and it is up to all of us, regardless of gender or sex, to destroy the locus of this fear - as prof. hooks not-so-succinctly, yet aptly, puts it, imperialist white supremacist capitalist patriarchy.

I desired to create a space where I, other men, and all others interested can discuss our issues regarding patriarchal conditioning and potentially how we are working to overcome them. It can also serve as a space for women and those who do not identify with manhood to ask questions of men, and hopefully gain some insight, if they are so inclined.

What do you think?

I also ask graciously of you, comrades, that if, in my language revolving around gendered oppression, I fail to achieve a proper standard of trans and gender non-conforming inclusivity, you correct me. No offense will be taken, thank you.

  • ComradeSalad@lemmygrad.ml
    1 year ago

    I read the title and my balls shriveled up thinking that some MGTOW redditor incel finally broke through the admin wall. But seeing it was you and then reading what you are trying to accomplish I can say that I wholeheartedly support this community and can’t wait to participate!

    Do you think this will be a more grounded, serious, and theoretical space; or do you think it will be more about letting people talk through their experiences together and how they can change their thought/feelings/behaviors along with any questions they may have?