• VolunTerry@monero.town
    9 个月前

    I am fine with you holding whichever beliefs you wish, even if I think they are naïve. Please just don’t support policy that harms my life and livelihood based on those disagreements or differences of opinion. I will agree to do the same, as this is already how I behave toward those I do not share common interests or beliefs with. If you wish to wear masks and lock yourself in your home and take 10 booster shots, and let all of your tax dollars be utilized to do this, not only to crush small business in the process, but also enrich the pharmaceutical companies and the Amazon style monopolies and beurocrats at all of our collective amd individual expense that is perfectly fine with me, and I support your freedom to do so and choose all of that. The wealth and power transfer alone from the bottom classes to the top few tenths of a % was astounding.

    If you force me to do all that above, or support others to force me to do it by proxy? Then we have a serious issue and this tolerance and mutual respect and kindness goes out the window, because that is a direct attack on my liberty and autonomy and free will to run my own life and accept the consequences.

    During the pandemic, life was made hell for those who disagreed with goverent policy. Individual liberty was absolutely crushed.

    I have done hundreds and hundreds of hours reading listening, watching and thinking on much if this from many sources because the past few years were some of the worst for individual liberties in our lives. I don’t expect to bring you along to my perspective with 3 links, and that’s okay. The fox video is one of many. Listen to more of Edward Dowd elsewhere. Or look at insurance and actuarial data. Or all cause mortality spikes before and after covid, then before and after the vaccine rollout. There are hundreds of threads to pull and lots to learn if only you wish to. Look deep, not at just the bought-and-paid for corporate press propagandists.

    Anyway, I don’t have to persuade everyone. I just implore you to keep your mind open and consider that you may be incorrect, have been severely misled, motivated by fear and propagandized. I am open to that possibility for myself, but obviously hold strong convictions based on my experiences and what knowledge I think I’ve acquired.

    Again, regardless of your ultimate take-aways, please consider what actions you support against others despite your disagreements as I believe I stated fairly clearly above.

    edits: spelling, grammar, clarity, fat fingers on mobile