I’ve been debating making the switch for a long time, but after spending like a week researching Proton, Lutris etc. on Linux, I decided to try it out and nuked my entire Windows 11 drive. :)

So far, every game I threw at it works perfectly fine, including Elden Ring & Cyberpunk.

I had to spend a little time troubleshooting some small issues but it’s part of the fun!

Specs are in the neofetch, my compositor / WM is Wayfire (Wayland) :)

  • TableCoffee@lemmy.ca
    2 years ago

    Arch with a 3080 ti using the nvidia-dkms package. Had to set up some pacman hooks to rebuild init whenever Nvidia driver, Linux kernel, or systemd gets an update, otherwise the system doesn’t boot, and I’ve had to boot from the Arch iso, chroot into my install and then run mkinitcpio. So there was some slight annoyance there.

    But gaming I’ve had little to no issues at all. Some games have performed better, some worse, but none of the games I’ve played have been outright broken.