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The original was posted on /r/twobestfriendsplay by /u/lowercaselemming on 2023-10-07 22:55:31.

So I started watching the Good Omens show based off of Terry Pratchett’s book recently, and in the first couple of episodes, the forces of heaven and hell are setting the stage for the incoming apocalypse after the birth of the antichrist, and part of this involves getting all the biblical Four Horseman back in action. How do they do this? Well, in typical Pratchett-esque humour, there’s a delivery driver delivering packages to each one.

When he gets to Pestilence, however, the narrator (God) tells us that Pestilence had retired long ago, and was replaced with someone else. It’s a person seen with dirty clothes, who is tossing random junk into a nearby river, and when they’re asked to sign, they sign a large dripping blotch of oil, and we’re told this is “Pollution”. They take the package, a brilliant white crown, and obviously tosses the box into the river too, and as they don their crown, it turns to an oily black as well.

I thought this was really cool. Pestilence retiring in the era of modern medicine makes so much sense, and Pollution taking their place is the next natural step.