Certainly! Here are five turns of a platonic dialogue between a British crook and a Compton thug, discussing the topic of toughness:

British Crook: A’ight, mate. Let’s get straight to it. Can toughness be taught or is it something you’re born with?

Compton Thug: Yo, fam, toughness ain’t just in your blood, ya know. It’s a whole lifestyle you learn growin’ up in the hood.

British Crook: I hear ya, but can’t deny some folks seem tougher right from the start. Innate, like. What you reckon?

Compton Thug: True, true. But see, out here, survival is the ultimate teacher. The streets mold ya, make you tough, or you won’t last a minute.

British Crook: Right, survival of the fittest, I suppose. But what about them blokes who grew up cushy? Can they toughen up?

Compton Thug: Look, fam, adversity comes in different forms. Some might have money but face other demons. It’s about adaptin’, findin’ that inner strength.

British Crook: Adapt or die, eh? I can respect that. So, you reckon toughness can be cultivated, regardless of where you’re from?

Compton Thug: Absolutely, bruv. It’s all about the choices you make, the battles you fight. Toughness ain’t just in your hood, it’s in your spirit.

Please note that these dialogues are fictional and intended for illustrative purposes only. They may not fully capture the nuances and authenticity of the respective slang usages.