If buying doesnt mean owning, then pirating doesnt mean stealing.
They should implement cross save with steam.
I wish they’d put some of that into making the PC app not a pile of trash
Is it wrong of me to ask for as many upvotes as possible?
All I want to do is post on this page 🤣
And how much they earned back? some new accounts registered the 1$ deal, some accounts registered from eating hotdog in a football stadium? some accounts spamming the cheap conversion GPU method?
LMAO they are absolutely buring money without and profit, without any market share earned.
This shit is not sustainable.
It’s 12.99 a month here they’re getting ripped off.
As someone from south africa where the games are crazy expensive gamepass is fucking awesome
Wonder how long will it take to ramp prices up. it looks like all services, Netflix etc. are starting to do it
Well if they put World of Warcraft sub into gamepass or atleast a discount for the subsrictption, Diablo 4, Call of duty than a lot of people are gonna go and subscribe even for 20 dollars.
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Keep in mind that normally how streaming works you spend a fuck ton at first to build out the service in theory over time you are able to so end less. But the revenue grows and unfortunately so does the price as habits are formed and its still a good value for what you get.
The clear its already profitable for them obits own and Xbox brings in just about 6 billion a year and it has fuck ton room for growth.
If you want to crack some eggs you need to spend some billions.
100% this is not including first party title dev costs and assumed losses in sales on said titles.
Also, I’d bet more than half of GP subs are locked in on pennies on the dollar through all the deal workarounds that previously existed (hence why they eliminated all of them).
this is correct. Some people just use 25 millions user and multiply with 10$ 12 months and said that is the revenue and profit of xbox gamepass lmao
$9.26 per subscription per month x 25 million subscribers x 12 months = $2,778,000,000 per year.
So nearly $2 billion in profit per year. So unless Xbox is spending $2 billion per year on first party developed games, every single year, then you’re wrong on all counts :)
Microsft has already said in court that Gamepass is not profitable.
Microsft has already said in court that Gamepass is not profitable.
do you have the source? i knew it not profitable but didnt remember Phil said that fact
I dont get the issue here. They invest 1 billion and make more. Isn’t that the way most businesses are run?
use your brain please. That 1 billion is only for thirdparty to come to GP. And they are suffering huge lost there is zero profit.
I’m the same way that TV and film are coming to realise that actually maybe the subscription model isn’t quite as profitable as it needs to be to sustain itself, I have a bad feeling we are in the golden age of game pass and that the terrible reality of game pass has yet to hit.
It probably will get worse eventually
There is no probably. It will.
Look at Netflix, the only way they managed to bring it to profitability is by pumping endlessly cheap and shitty content and constant price hikes. They have also lost a lot of their big IP licenses from other studios.
In a decade I wouldn’t be surprised if Gamepass is 90% shovelware and the remaining is mid budget 1st party games.