Player: “Ok, I’m going to move 30 here and use my sneak attack on the last- oh wait, I can’t, nevermind.”

Me: “Wait, why?”

Player: “He’s out of range by 5ft, I have disadvantage so no sneak attack.”

Me: “Bro just roll sneak attack, he’s the last goblin. We have cooler shit to get to this session.”

Player: “So, advantage?”

Me: “Yes advantage. Please don’t make me play one more round as this 7HP cannon fodder.”

  • Radiant-Confidence43@fediverser.communick.devB
    10 months ago

    On one hand I do understand stressing a timetable in sessions, on the otherhand, while players should buy in to your game to enjoy it, so should you buy in to enjoying the moment with them. They can’t kill it now? It farts in their direction and attempts to skidadle, promising revenge. Buy into the game, get playful and things will smoothen out