Player: “Ok, I’m going to move 30 here and use my sneak attack on the last- oh wait, I can’t, nevermind.”

Me: “Wait, why?”

Player: “He’s out of range by 5ft, I have disadvantage so no sneak attack.”

Me: “Bro just roll sneak attack, he’s the last goblin. We have cooler shit to get to this session.”

Player: “So, advantage?”

Me: “Yes advantage. Please don’t make me play one more round as this 7HP cannon fodder.”

  • siberianphoenix@fediverser.communick.devB
    10 months ago

    This statement is true ONLY if you view combat as a you vs them mentality. If you vote it as a challenge that you are eager to see how they overcome then it’s exciting when they are doing well. Both DM and players should be enjoying combat.