Blue Team: C: Anthony Davis F: Dirk Nowitzki F: LeBron James G: Kobe Bryant G: Chris Paul

Red Team: C: Tim Duncan F: Kevin Garnett F: Paul George G: Michael Jordan G: Damian Lillard

I constructed each team by building from one GOAT candidate (Jordan and LeBron) then choosing two legendary 00s players who would complement their peak package (Bryant/Nowitzki on LeBron and Duncan/Garnett on Jordan). After that I round out the chemistry by choosing two players from pool of 2010s stars that somewhat underachieved compared to their talent or to what have been expected from them (Davis/Paul and Lillard/George).

So which team do you think wins in a single elimination? Best of seven? And more importantly, WHY and HOW would they win or lose to the other team? I would like to know some of the dynamics you’ll be able to come up with these teams. Thanks!

EDIT: Each player are on their peak.

  • remichyumlak@fediverser.communick.devB
    10 months ago

    Red team all the way. Lebron and Kobe may be good individually but teamwork is where it’s at. Duncan, Garnett, MJ? That’s like a mean grandparents lineup that will school these youngins. Plus I think Dirk was playing golf during his peak so I’m not too convinced on him.