Maybe he did but the ref saw his chance to make an ejection and took it. Ime definitely deserved a tech calling a player a bitch anyways. Coaches generally aren’t allowed to cus out opposition. Bron taking offense was the perfect option for a double tech. Stopped any escalation and the ref got the spotlight, even Ime wasn’t bothered. Everyone wins, kinda.
Neither of them looked surprised so probably a good call
Coach calling opposing player a bitch and soft ass boy, lol. Lebron must have said something more than “we all grown ups” to get a T too
Maybe he did but the ref saw his chance to make an ejection and took it. Ime definitely deserved a tech calling a player a bitch anyways. Coaches generally aren’t allowed to cus out opposition. Bron taking offense was the perfect option for a double tech. Stopped any escalation and the ref got the spotlight, even Ime wasn’t bothered. Everyone wins, kinda.
Coaches can’t what? Stop making up stuff.