Simply put, I have an odd home layout where my office is at the furthest point away from my fathers office. I have the router in my office and unfortunately that’s where it has to be due to the cable connection from the ISP. I tried range extenders but they suck… I’ve been looking into a mesh system but not sure if that would help either.
Can anyone ELI5 what I need to do?
I would consider running a cable to an Access Point to an appropriate location. I recenlty installed a Zyxel AP for a large Care home and with one AP in the centre of the building they are getting good sigals around the house.\_1\_11?crid=37PDT72IY2V9H&keywords=wifi+6+access+ceiling+mount+ap&qid=1695826066&sprefix=wifi+6+access+ceilling+mount+ap%2Caps%2C513&sr=8-11