It’s economics my friend; I would go back to the Econ sub, but it’s trash here. You make apps, right, then you try to find ways to monetize them, cut costs, maximize profits and you end up with poor quality. I suggest you go back to r/Idontknowshitabouteconomics. Capitalism stifles creativity due to profit maximization and market dynamics.
This is what capitalism does to creativity.
Lmao go back to /r/antiwork bud
It’s economics my friend; I would go back to the Econ sub, but it’s trash here. You make apps, right, then you try to find ways to monetize them, cut costs, maximize profits and you end up with poor quality. I suggest you go back to r/Idontknowshitabouteconomics. Capitalism stifles creativity due to profit maximization and market dynamics.
Yes, because socialism and communism have always promoted creativity, amirite?
There’s a reason why most technological innovation and the most successful companies come from the United States, not Europe or China