There’s 2 coupons you can stack to get this for $95.89+tax and free shipping. I bought it from seller Samsung Global Store. Coupons are CMUS15 and the other one got added automatically.
What’s the difference between this one and the SN770?
Nearly identical hardware (if not identical) and rated performance, apart from the SN770 having a higher endurance guarantee, but that’s typical because the SN770 is basically the retail version and the SN740 is the OEM version of practically the same design.
Looks like whatever was allowing all those coupons to stack has been corrected. Congrats to those who scored the combined discounts!
Thank you! Just got mine for 146CAD or 107 USD with free shipping using code 23AE10 for 14 dollars off and the already included $5 off every $25 promo.