I was curious as it’s something I’ve not seen tested in reviews obviously not intended to be professional so may not reflect everyone’s networking set-up or wifi conditions. (Using different sized games but I’m sure you’ll get the gist)
So here’s my Base Speed (500Mbps symmetrical but obviously fluctuates so numbers not always precise)
- LCD - WIFI 5 (36.49% decrease compared to my base speed)
- OLED - WIFI 6 (34.23% Increase over LCD)
- OLED - WIFI 6E (18.64% Improvement Over WIFI 6 & 59.27% Over LCD)
My speed is definitely better on the OLED than it was on the awful WiFi on the LCD. I still find it almost never has full signal, even when I’m 2m from the router unobstructed half the time one bar will be greyed out.
Honestly this WiFi is not very good.
Speaking of WiFi, has anyone run into slow download speeds in desktop mode only? When I tried to download Heroic from the Discover store I was getting really slow speeds compared to downloading games in game mode