At first we thought it was the battery, replaced it after we checked (it was no good even after sitting on a charger), then thinking it could be the alt, so I wanna take the belt off to check. One issue, the tension is insain. I’m not sure what I can do besides either try loosening the alt first then tension or just cut the belt, which doesn’t need to be changed.
Ion know man.
if you keep tackling this project yourself and get the belt off, try spinning all of your pullies by hand. a seized pully bearing can prevent a starter from rotating your engine.
This advice is how you get people convinced their motor is seized because they can’t turn the crank pulley hard enough for a compression stroke.
OP is already suspecting the engine is seized and ready to cut the belt off and that engine shouldnt be too hard to turn over. It has not been uncommon for customers having their vehicle towed in and telling me the engine is seized and needing a new one, and it was just a frozen pump or pully.