Why not develop an axel with an integrated motor? It’d be easily scaled to any vehicle with a solid rear axle. Fill the engine bay with batteries… It seems like an easy approach to get a widely applicable EV conversion kit. Offer a few widths and diameter axles… Is it bad to have the motor in an unsprung position?I see hub motors, so I think not. I guess air conditioning would be another thing.
Electric tuk tuks use a custom center section with a motor bolted directly into a standard axle. The kits cost less than 500 if you go looking.
Whats needed is the same situation for noth American axels. What jumps to mind is the ford 9 inch since it has the same front facing center section. Some old dodges were the same i dont think chevy ever had a front facing center sections but its just a clearance clarance issue.
Its doable. The first shop to start melting soda cans to cast them cheap is gonna make a million in the diy market.