Bought this car used in july last year (first one), it functioned as normal, no big issues, come december, I heard a cracking sound coming from the back, got it checked, rear differential went out, I thought that was odd, but maybe the previous owner pulled a fast on me and sold me the car with a pre existing issue, that is on me I changed it, fast forward 6 months later, another cranking sound from behind, again rear differential, I was like what the? I just changed it, yes I bought it used because I could find a new one (too expensive or too far away), again maybe I was played for a fool (I knew I was throwing money out at this point) I changed mechanic, I looked elsewhere for another rear differential, found one after several weeks and changed it, all was fine, until 2 months later I heard another noise coming from the back, and surprise surprise its the rear differential (this time the sound and the damage werent as bad as the previous 2), I asked to disassemble the differentials (I kept them) and in all the three, the same component gave out, the pinion and ring bearer (or something like that) now, if you made it this far, can you please tell me whats wrong with this car? Is it cursed? Or doesnt it simply like rear differential? Maybe I could purchase only the pinion and ring instead of a whole differential (if I decide to throw more money on this car of course) the mechanics around me cant or wont give me a straight answer about the cause and Im afraid that I’ll simply lose a fourth differential, thanks for your time