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we were still facing deep blocks last season, that is simply not true. and i’m curious, is arsenal the only team you watch? how is playing “high octane football” with ucl only a problem for us? how is freeing up the wingers going to injury anybody? shit and chelsea got no europe and they still got injuries while trying to play high octane football. this sub changes the narrative every week i swear. when our players get breaks and only play 1 game a week it’s “they’re rusty and out of form” but when they play 2 games a week now they might get injured. should we wrap them in bubble wraps as well?
these excuses are for midtable clubs. world class teams have been doing this for decades. you can’t control injuries. tierney literally slipped in the shower and partey gets injured while doing nothing. if you really think that ucl football and being scared of injuries is stopping us from playing fluid you need to watch more football.