I was trying to replace a stud for my 09 Altima 2.5. didn’t find any space or gap to get the stud out. Tried to spin whatever the position it can be but no luck. Any advice? Anyway that can take that thing off cost effectively?
I was trying to replace a stud for my 09 Altima 2.5. didn’t find any space or gap to get the stud out. Tried to spin whatever the position it can be but no luck. Any advice? Anyway that can take that thing off cost effectively?
I second this, grind off a bit of the head so it clears, and hopefully it makes it out through that notch
Does rotary tool sufficient? Don’t have a grinder.
Yeah rotary tool is what I meant by dremel. Heck you could file them by hand, or use a hack saw, it’d just be slow.
Great let me try it first. Thanks:)
Yup. Cutting wheel, or diamond cutting wheel on a rotary tool
U can cut any spot thats easiest. If cutting the bolt in half gives enough clearance, u dont have to play around in the tight area
With a rotary tool you could grind off the two stripped threads and keep the stud. It would lose negligible strength if any. Just bevel the sides after.