2018 Mazda cx9 CPO. Purchased from Mazda dealership 12/2021 with 69k miles, currently at 111k. Car overheated on highway out of nowhere this week. Took to local mechanic and after conversation & research it looks like cracked cylinder head.

Can anyone recommend what I should do next? It’s sitting in my driveway right now. Should I contact Mazda USA or dealership? Mechanic said engine replacement needed.

I’d rather get it fixed if possible as I’m not in a financial position to get a new car. I’ve seen posts on here upwards of $8k (maybe more?) to get it fixed. Is there a possibility of getting goodwill discount in anyone’s opinion with my mileage?

3rd car purchased from dealership group, 2nd Mazda. Not serviced at dealership due to distance away