Hi, as title says. Seeing how the the gene seed are supposed to be tested regularly by the admech for mutation / chaos corruption, shouldn’t it be super easy to run a quick analysis from a gene seed dna sample to and get a match that way ?

I get that 10000 years is a long time, but some dna material from the primarchs has to still be in there for the space marine making process to work right ? For the same reason the blood angels successor chapters still have the red thirst inherited from sanguinus.


  • borZ0 the t1r3D b3aR@lemmy.world
    6 months ago

    Late to the party, but i also suspect that the DNA/genetic material of the primarch’s is closely guarded. I’m forgetting the name of the head of the mechanicum but didn’t the emperor specifically gift him primarch genetic material so the primaris Marines could be made? That may indicate that the material of more rare and less accessible.