Recently I was asked to find a rare car for my friend and my friend told me that we would look at it soon, I found it and we are going to be looking at it soon.
If incase the deal gets closed, how much finders fee should I ask him? The car is worth around $290,000-$310,000.
To close a deal means to go through with it. It was just worded in a slightly confusing way.
Ok, but was there any discussion of a finders fee before you started searching? Because if there wasn’t it seems kind of greasy to ask for one after the fact, especially considering it’s for a friend.
No he told me that he’d give me the finder’s fee before all this. Sorry I didn’t include that in the post. English isn’t my first language, sorry for the confusion.
The post was intended on how much I should be getting, not how much I’d be asking.
Ok I see where you’re coming from now. I don’t think 5% of the sale price is unreasonable.