Yesterday my wife got her 1tb SSD in the mail, so I took her Deck apart to put it in. However, I found some oddities inside.

First, you know the sticky metal paper that covers a screw? It was missing… But there was still residue so at one point the sticker was there. So I looked around and there were indications that someone had probed around with a marker in certain areas, and circled some transistors and components.

I don’t remember noticing these things when I replaced my SSD, and these were early Q3 2022 models. Kinda sucks to think we bought it so early on but it already wasn’t fully “new” because it’s obvious someone had already been in it… Or am I just overthinking it?

What reason do you think the Deck is in this shape? I’m split between two theories: A) it malfunctioned in production and had to be taken apart, fixed, and then was sold (this theory would kinda annoy me because I’d feel like I bought a refurbished Deck at full price). B) maybe her Deck was a review sample and it was in the hands of a famous YouTuber and this Deck is secretly famous 🤷