I’m contemplating buying myself a Remarkable tablet. I’m gonna use it for note taking in my studies and daily notes. No drawing. Since I’m a student I have to consider it carefully before buying it, it ain’t cheap. I was considering buying the first version second hand, but the lifespan of that would probably be poor and I would just need to buy a new one too soon, waist of money. I have been reading a lot and seen a lot of reviews about it, but I would like to ask anyways. Are you very pleased with yours? How expensive is it (I’m then referring to all the other costs after buying the tablet itself)? Would you say it is worth it for my use? I’m a programming student and I ofc love tech, but also having all my notes in one place and being able to open them on my computer would be so practical for me.
Then yeah, the remarkable is great as a notebook alternative. I have yet to see any wear and tear on mine after using it for awhile, so you can prob get it 2nd hand as a bundle for ~300 / get a new one with a noris jumbo.
Thx, I will look around for a second hand in nice shape, I think
https://www.ebay.com/itm/276186622122?mkcid=16&mkevt=1&mkrid=711-127632-2357-0&ssspo=M0h4qemDQXi&sssrc=4429486&ssuid=MHUPGHn-Qa6&var=&widget_ver=artemis&media=COPY. You can see if you can make an offer and see if they take it if you are interested. It just came up.
Wow thanks for the help! I will definitely do that!