According to a salesperson at OK Tire (tire specialty shop), there are 3 tire specs.

Ordering from manufacturer direct (like they do) and dealerships get A spec. Which is 2/32" more tire thread than lower specs.

The leftovers or less than ideal tires are B and C spec which are then sent to wholesalers like Costco or other big box stores. This is apparently why they are $10-40 cheaper per tire when I compared them.

Is this true? Maybe I’m not using the appropriate terminology but I can’t find anything about this on google in general.

I’m getting new Michelin X Ice Snows from them next week. Supposedly 11.5/32" thread from mfg. Will confirm this but don’t have Costco Tires to compare to. Maybe on my next Costco trip, I can measure a display tire.

  • trashyratchet@alien.topB
    10 months ago

    The worst part of the whole thing is that combo decimal fraction of a fraction of inches abomination you typed. Painful to look at. Looks a lot like the grotesquely disfigured brother of 23/64".