IF Metalls strejk kommer att stoppa nya Teslabilar från att tas i trafik. Orsaken är sympatiåtgärden som blockerar Postnords hantering av post till Tesla.Enligt Transportstyrelsen får inte registreringsskyltarna delas ut på annat sätt. Tesla rasar mot myndighetens och statliga Postnords ”oproportionerliga agerande”.
No. The US has not popular vote at the federal level, and the popular vote has no meaning within our Constitution. The majority is decided in the electoral college, not the popular vote.
No. The US has not popular vote at the federal level, and the popular vote has no meaning within our Constitution. The majority is decided in the electoral college, not the popular vote.
Yes, which means the president is often selected by the minority of the voters against the will of the majority.
You know, like in a some dictatorships. In Soviet Union for example the state leader was selected by politburo members.