OK, so, I’ll attach an obviously not to scale drawing for illustrative purposes, but I’ve inherited my wifes old car, and while it wasn’t an issue for her, it is for me.
Long story short, even barefoot with my foot all of the way against the “wall” to the right of the “gas” pedal, I can’t press it down without also pressing the brake pedal. I’ve been working around this by reaching my left foot across the floor, and pressing the pedals with the side of my left foot, and when I get sore doing that, I’m just having my right leg way back and just touching the pedals with the tip of my toe.
Is there a way a mechanic can do something like “move the brake farther to the left”, or “just have two gas pedals so the brake pedal is physically smaller” ? Saw off right right half of the brake pedal?
Mechanics of Reddit, what should I be doing about this?
OK… yeah… that does look close to me.
You COULD add a spacer to the gas pedal so that it sticks up taller than the brake. I don’t know whether that would be more dangerous than what you have now or not, so… this is a decision YOU have to make yourself.
Crap like this is why I like 30+ year old vehicles.