So going onto red dead 2 for the first time after the 3.5 update I noticed the fsr no longer switched on for the usual 1280x720 which it always did do and the only way for it to work again was to set the scaling mode to FILL which of course crops the screen slightly. The only way I can have it on and looking right on the decks screen is by setting the ingame resolution to 1152x720 now and scale set to AUTO/FIT. It’s not a big deal to change these settings however I used to have no issues on 1280x720, fsr always on and I could switch between handheld and docked with no changes at all. Now, because I have to change the ingame resolution lower it doesn’t look right on the monitor again until I change it back to 1280x720. Why won’t it activate in handheld now without being stretched beyond the borders but doesn’t do this in the same resolution on the monitor like it used to? I can’t imagine it’s with the OLED having a bigger screen surely that can’t be it?