I think you shouldn’t have put green circles for seasons in which these clubs didn’t play in the top two divisions (maybe a grey circle or no circle at all would have been better).
Some clubs have green circles for seasons in which they went bankrupt (for example Mantova and Como in 2017, or Modena who didn’t even completed the season in 2017/18) and a lot of them have green circles in seasons in which they were deducted points.
With all those green circles the situation seems a lot better than it actually is.
2002-2023 is a little mistake but I have to mark it, anyway good job!
Data is not beautiful
they could not have chosen a shittier color scheme, all green for me
As a person who cant really see the difference between green and red, this data terrifies me
Don’t worry, it’s hard to read even if you can see the difference between colors
I can’t see anything
Just a tip: if you click on the image you can zoom in and see quite well the details.
I thought it was alright because it was going from left to right and most penalties happened like 50 years ago… well it turns out the most recent years are on the left.
This is impossible to look at
Click on the image and you can zoom in.
2012/2013 was a wild year i guess
It was when the scandal with Masiello(aka The GOAT) and the others was found.