After months of hype, Humane, a San Francisco-based artificial intelligence company, on Thursday launched its first product: the AI Pin, a digital personal assistant housed in a tiny, square-shaped piece of hardware.
give me a glove that has a mic in the pinkey a good earpiece in the thumb, and lets me dial by pressing my fore middle and ring fingers, really thats all I want out of a cellphone.
give me a glove that has a mic in the pinkey a good earpiece in the thumb, and lets me dial by pressing my fore middle and ring fingers, really thats all I want out of a cellphone.
So you would be better served by something like this:|pkw||pcrid||pmt||pdv|m|slid||productid|208449-01|pgrid=&ptaid=&gad_source=1&gclid=Cj0KCQiApOyqBhDlARIsAGfnyMo9OnMGatyzvNblzkSzfIgG5z4jqmrDadHa9QM8KZ_P-CkOx9VyzK0aAjoZEALw_wcB
pretty much that but in a form where I could reasonably use in outside of winter months.