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How does vieira and nelson do in the u21 game last night?
You mean how did.
Howdy do?
no, they meant how did they do
Watched the match, Nelson was really good bar instances when he was trying to do everything himself after we went behind, but then he got an incredible assist out his attempts at hero ball so.
Vieira was basically non-existent other than mucking up two good chances to get us back in by being weak/indecisive. Not exactly encouraging.
Apparently Nelson was really good, no mention of Vieira in article I read but he scored one and missed one pen
Am I the only one who finds it a bit lame for a senior player to come into a u21 match and insist on taking both pens?
Erm I kinda prefer that he takes responsibility I’d find it weird if he was letting kids take the pens off him especially when when we getting whooped (assuming from the score line)