I know, I know: parliamentary politics won’t save us etc. But I will at least try to vote if I have the chance.
It’s my first time voting from a foreign country. Many of the decisions the parties make won’t have an influence on me. I will vote Bij1 because they at least resemble some sort of a left wing party and some of their members are marxists. Also, their stance on Palestine is the best of any Dutch party. I think I’ll just vote Edson Olf.
I’m still a little bit on the fence between Pvdd or Bij1. But at this moment I’m more inclind towards the Pvdd.
Why exactly
Because I like their plans regarding climate change and biodiversity, that is in my view the most pressing issue at the moment. I also think that they will wield greater influence than Bij1, because their views are more readily embraced by the bourgeoisie.
How? BIJ1 is the only one that’s actually socialist. PvdD is my second choice though