Haskell or Julia come to mind.
I think Clojure is a lisp but some people say Clojure is not because of the map and vector literals. If you agree with them definitely Clojure. Probably Elixir if you disagree.
I think that MLs “feel” a lot like Lisp, they are missing the obvious macro systems, but have few syntactic constructs and control flow is mostly function application. Namely SML, OCaml, and Haskell. I haven’t touched any others.
Others have said Elixir and to some extent I agree, but maybe the Ruby syntax throws me off.
EcmaScript. It Was planned with scheme in mind and you can still feel it today. It is funny that many things people dislike about it have it’s origin in scheme. One of the problems is that it doesn’t look like a LISP language and people just see it like a Java like language. If they would familiarize themselves with the concepts, they would probably get the idea behind the language.
Dynamic scope, “this”, implicit casting. These are not scheme ideas.
WebAssembly. Its textual form is a S-expression.
Define lisp first.
parenthesized prefix notation
Behold, a Lisp:
(identification-division (program-id :hello-world)) (procedure-division (main (display "Hello, world!") (stop run)))
*swoon*… COBISP.
That’ll do u/theangeryemacsshibe, that’ll do.
Just by the feel of it, Forth.
How so?
Second this
Elixir or Ruby
Julia, Elixir
C++ 40
C++ 40
Greenspun’s 10th rule
Julia is implemented in Scheme I believe, and it had (has?) a lisp-style homoiconic syntax compiler still inside.
Elixir, which people mentioned, is not homoiconic, but all of its syntax are implemented in a list of threes [module, function-name, arity], and so its macros are quite powerful and hygienic (*). It has a really great REPL story (you can connect through IEX to any Actor in the server). Elixir itself is 100% dynamic functional paradigm, just like Scheme* or Clojure. And Message-Sending paradigm is ridiculously powerful.
I believe Nim is also interesting, with its heavy emphasis on macros as a way to do systems programming. No homoiconity here too though.