Bought a Milka chocolate 100g while traveling through Germany and noticed it contains Alpen milch. Is this normal for Milka or is it only the chocolate sold in Southern Germany?
Alpenmilch is not a protected description of origin or feeding of the cows, has no legal defintion, and can be put on any milk from anywhere. It’s just marketing.
“Bergbauernmilch” would be such a protected label.
So how do you milk a Bergbauer?
Asking the real questions here
And the cow is purple. Seen on TV.
Milka chocolate is the worst trash chocolate you can find in German Supermarkets
Milka is largely produced in southern germany (Lörrach) and Austria. As they source their milk locally, it would generally contain, in some (or even all) cases probably exclusively “Alpenmilch”.
As others have pointed out, “Alpenmilch” is not a protected term like “Champagne”, so useage varies wildly. Milka uses the definition of Alps+Alpenvorland, which is comprised of the southernmost districts of Germany. They at least used to get Milk from the Company OMIRA which sits in Ravensburg - definetly not a very alpine region, but also not too far off.
Alps have no udders.
It is cow milk.